2011-01-12 17:46:19 UTC
It hasn't been said officially, but it is out there on Twitter, and on
Facebook: Nickelodeon is going to cancel the excellent for
preschoolers show "Ni Hao Kai-Lan" at the end of the season. They are
being sued for $10 Million by the girl who was let go as the voice of
Dora the Explorer and apparently Kai-Lan costs that much a season to
produce. So it sounds like they either think they'll lose the lawsuit
and need quick cash, or that they just want to dump Kai-Lan and need
an excuse. Why not cancel Dora? It's had it's run already, and reruns
would stay popular a long time right? Because there is far more Dora
merchandise already licensed and in production would be my guess.
BUT, parents should call, write, email, tweet, Facebook post, holler
in the streets even to Nickelodeon demanding they keep Kai-Lan in
production. It is an exceptionally good show for 2-7 year olds, and we
need all the good (worthwhile) kids shows we can get these days -
especially with all the garbage shows out there (many on Nickelodeon
Facebook: Nickelodeon is going to cancel the excellent for
preschoolers show "Ni Hao Kai-Lan" at the end of the season. They are
being sued for $10 Million by the girl who was let go as the voice of
Dora the Explorer and apparently Kai-Lan costs that much a season to
produce. So it sounds like they either think they'll lose the lawsuit
and need quick cash, or that they just want to dump Kai-Lan and need
an excuse. Why not cancel Dora? It's had it's run already, and reruns
would stay popular a long time right? Because there is far more Dora
merchandise already licensed and in production would be my guess.
BUT, parents should call, write, email, tweet, Facebook post, holler
in the streets even to Nickelodeon demanding they keep Kai-Lan in
production. It is an exceptionally good show for 2-7 year olds, and we
need all the good (worthwhile) kids shows we can get these days -
especially with all the garbage shows out there (many on Nickelodeon